July 15, 2024

Using Associated Question Feature to Link ICR Regions to OMR Regions in Remark Office OMR

In Remark Office OMR, a question can be associated with another question so Remark knows whether to expect data for that question. For example, if you have a multiple-choice question that has an “Other” response, Remark will only read the […]

June 10, 2024

Enhanced Custom Data Export in Remark Office OMR - Add Fields

When using the Custom Text Export feature in Remark Office OMR, you can add data fields that are not part of the template. While in the Data Center with your data showing, click on Save Data As in the task […]

April 22, 2024

Adding Image Base Names when Archiving Image Files using the Name Builder Feature in Remark Office OMR

Today, we’re delving into a valuable feature within Remark Office OMR that can help optimize your workflow. When reading images with the Package and Rename feature in Remark Office OMR you can add a field called [Image Name] that allows […]

March 25, 2024

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar March 28

There are different types of OMR region types to handle everything from capturing an ID number to indicating if a single marked bubble represents a yes or no response. During this webinar, we’ll explain OMR Multiple, Grid, Boolean, Binary, List, […]

March 19, 2024

Adding a Database When Using Data on the Fly in Remark Office OMR

Database Lookup has been added to Prompt for Fill for Image Regions in Remark Office OMR 11. Database lookup allows you to connect a region/field in your template to an external file to validate the data being processed and return […]

December 26, 2023

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar December 28

Do you want to quickly run your survey reports without any customization? Or do you need to include some analysis groups, add a custom header, remove some questions from analysis, include analysis groups, and add a custom header? Join us […]

August 22, 2023

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar August 24

This week’s topic: Combining Data Files in Remark Office OMR! Do you have a form that you regularly use to collect data and save the collected data in multiple or separate data files? Maybe it’s a conference evaluation for different […]

July 24, 2023

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar July 27

This week’s topic: Processing Course Evaluations with Batch Header Forms in Remark Office OMR Are you using a generic teacher course evaluation form that doesn’t include information for the instructor, course, or semester and need a way to include that […]

June 15, 2023

Remark Office OMR 11.2 is Now Available!

The Remark Team is thrilled and proud to unveil the latest release of our flagship software, Remark Office OMR with the release of Remark Office OMR 11.2! We have dedicated ourselves to listening to our community feedback, and continuously improving […]

May 22, 2023

Free Downloadable OMR Fonts

Customization has become a necessity in 21st-century culture, with almost every form of expression becoming personalized in some fashion. One of the main features of Remark Office OMR is the ability to create and customize your own surveys, tests, and […]

April 25, 2023

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar April 27

This week’s topic: Working with Report Batches in Remark Office OMR Do you find yourself manually filtering and running the same reports over and over again? Did you know Remark includes a Report Batch feature that allows you to auto-filter […]

April 18, 2023

Learn the Common OMR Terms

The Remark Team at Gravic, Inc. has been in the OMR data collection and analysis business for over thirty years. Our longstanding experience makes us pros at this type of technology, and just as importantly, its terminology. That being said, […]

April 3, 2023

Using Spell Check in Remark Office OMR

Have you ever spent time setting up a template in Remark Office OMR’s Template Editor only to realize later that there’s a spelling error in the region names, question text, or labels? It’s a frustrating situation that can easily be […]

March 20, 2023

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar March 22

This week’s topic: Processing forms in Remark Office OMR Attention all Remark Office OMR users! Do you want to streamline your data collection process and save time? Then don’t miss out on our upcoming webinar on Processing Forms in Remark […]

January 9, 2023

Making Students Inactive in Remark Test Grading

A student can be made inactive, which means that he or she can no longer be added to class rosters. Any tests that the student has already taken are not deleted from the account. Note: This is an administrative function […]

November 21, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar November 23

This week’s topic: Adding Data on the Fly in Remark Office OMR See how to add data on the fly in Remark Office OMR. This feature makes it possible for you to add data to your forms as they are […]

November 7, 2022

Importing a Class Roster in Remark Test Grading

Your account administrator can import all of your instructors, classes and students, but sometimes it’s more convenient to import a single class roster. This can be done at the Instructor Level. Rosters can be imported from Excel XLS/XLSX files and […]

September 12, 2022

Deleting Tests in Remark Test Grading

Need to delete a test? Within Remark Test Grading, you may delete a test at any time, but note that this action is permanent and all data is lost. Start out on the page of the class that has the […]

July 25, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar July 27

This week’s topic: Database Lookup and Replace in Remark Office OMR Remark’s Database Lookup feature can verify that recognized data from a region appears in an external database. This is useful for validating names, ID numbers, zip codes, etc. If […]

July 11, 2022

Deleting Classes in Remark Test Grading

Do you need to delete an existing class in order to make room to create a new class? You may delete a class in Remark Test Grading Cloud Edition, but note that you can not get it back once deleted, […]

June 28, 2022

Setting Default Reports in Remark Quick Stats

Did you know you can change the default report displayed in Remark Quick Stats?  By default, the 204 – Condensed Item Analysis Report is displayed for Quick Survey and the 101 – Student Statistics Report is displayed for Quick Grade.  […]

June 20, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar June 22

This week’s topic: Transferring your Remark Office OMR License to a Different Device. Moving your Remark Office OMR license to a different device is an easy process but there are some things you need to know. Join us as we […]

May 23, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar May 25

This week’s topic: Intelligent Character Recognition in Remark Office OMR ICR or Intelligent Character Recognition, allows you to automatically read the handwriting on a form such as comments and short answer questions. While Remark does not have its own ICR […]

May 9, 2022

Copying Tests in Remark Test Grading Cloud

Have you created tests that you would like to re-use in the future? Within Remark Test Grading Cloud, you can copy a test to another class in just five simple steps! Any data collected is not copied to the new […]

April 25, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar April 27

This Week’s Topic: Custom Grade Scales in Remark Office OMR Besides the numerous predefined grade scales included in Remark Quick Stats, Remark also includes a Grade Scale Manager where you can create new grade scales and edit existing ones. These […]

April 4, 2022

Copying Classes in Remark Test Grading Cloud

Why re-invent the wheel? Within Remark Test Grading Cloud, you can copy a class to yourself or another teacher to save time. Note: To copy a class to another teacher you must be granted elevated account permissions by the Account […]

March 21, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar March 23

This Week’s Topic: Resetting Your Template Image in Remark Office OMR There may be times when your form template images no longer match your actual form. This can happen for many reasons such as removing a question from a survey […]

March 7, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar March 9

This week’s topic: Basic Template Creation in Remark Office OMR Are you new to Remark Office OMR or in need of a refresher on how to create a Remark template to collect data from your basic test answer sheet or […]

February 21, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar February 23

This week’s topic: Custom Data Export in Remark Office OMR Among the many enhancements and ease of use updates in Remark Office OMR 11 is the ability to add additional data fields that are not part of the template to […]

February 18, 2022

The Remark Team wants to hear from you!

Here at Gravic, we value our customers’ feedback — we show it by consistently implementing customer ideas and recommendations into each update for our product lines. For example, our sales and support teams hear from customers every day who have […]

January 24, 2022

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar January 26

This week’s topic: Robust Data Formatting in Remark Office OMR. Remark Office OMR now includes an enhanced define format feature that allows a way to validate data contained within OMR Grid, OCR, ICR, and barcode regions. This is accomplished by […]

January 12, 2022

Creating Fillable PDFs (Electronic Bubble Sheets) in ROO11

Remark Office OMR 11 now allows you to save your templates as fillable PDFs (Electronic Bubble Sheets) for electronic distribution. Fillable PDF files can be easily distributed to respondents via email or posted on a website, then completed and emailed […]

December 22, 2021

Happy Holidays to all of our Friends!

2021 is almost over and at this time of year we look eagerly towards the bright possibilities of the new year. We also realize how fortunate we are and think about how we can make a positive impact on society. […]

December 20, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar December 22

This week’s topic: Updated Grading Reports in Remark Office OMR There were numerous enhancements made to grading reports in Remark Office OMR 11. Among them are the new Incorrect Response Report, a friendlier Test Analysis Report, and the ability to […]

December 13, 2021

More Robust Data Formatting in Remark Office OMR 11

Need to format data for date fields, phone numbers, or respondent ID numbers? More robust data formatting options have been added to Remark Office OMR 11 to format your data exactly how you want it. You can now establish your […]

November 29, 2021

How to Associate an OMR Question with a Data Entry Image Region in Remark Office OMR 11

With Remark Office OMR 11, you can now associate a response to a previous question to determine whether or not the question should be read. For example, if you have a multiple-choice question that has an “Other” response, the Remark […]

November 15, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar November 17

This week’s topic: Data Validation (Skip Pattern in Survey) in Remark Office OMR. Remark Office OMR 11 includes a new feature that allows you to validate and transform your data using rules and associated actions. If your data satisfies any […]

November 8, 2021

How to Watch Remark Support Videos Through the Remark Office OMR 11 Help Menu

Within Remark Office OMR 11 there is now a link to the Remark Office OMR Support videos within the Help menu. Inside of Remark Office OMR 11, simply click the “Help” button in the main toolbar, and then scroll down […]

October 25, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar October 27

This week’s topic: Balloting with Associated Question in Remark Office OMR. Join us as we discuss handling ballot write-ins using Remark Office OMR 11’s new Associated Question feature. If your ballot allows for a write-in candidate, the associated question feature […]

October 21, 2021

Making a Survey Form in Microsoft Word for Scanning With Remark Office OMR

Microsoft Word is the most popular word processing software on the planet. It is ubiquitous in offices and schools around the world. Although widely used for many tasks, did you know it can also be used for creating scannable survey […]

October 1, 2021

Analysis Options in Region Properties in Remark Office OMR 11

Are you asking yourself– where did the Analysis Options go within the Advanced Region Properties settings and when would I use the Analysis Options? The Analysis Options have now been moved to their own window and can be accessed by […]

June 22, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar June 23

Image Archiving and Name Builder in Remark Office OMR! In Remark Office OMR you have the ability to archive completed form images and customize the stored image names and locations. This provides the capability to make the stored file location […]

June 14, 2021

Remark Software Products Maintenance and Support Policy

When purchasing a single-user license for one of our Remark software products (Remark Office OMR, Remark Classic OMR, Remark Web Survey, etc.), the purchase normally includes one year of annual maintenance & support. For Remark product site licenses, maintenance & […]

June 8, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar June 9

Basic Template Creation in Remark Office OMR! Are you new to Remark Office OMR or in need of a refresher on how to create a Remark template to collect data from your basic test answer sheet or survey form? This […]

April 23, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar April 28

Multiple Test Versions Part 1 – Standard Answer Keys in Remark Office OMR Multiple test versions are often used to make it more difficult for students to cheat by looking at another student’s paper while taking the test. Remark gives […]

January 22, 2021

FAQ: How can I use OCR Text with Remark Office OMR?

Bubble in grid areas for IDs, addresses, and the like, can occupy a lot of space on a form.  They also can take a lot of time for your respondents to fill in, and, depending on your audience, may be […]

January 10, 2021

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar January 13

Basic Template Creation in Remark Office OMR Are you new to Remark Office OMR or in need of a refresher on how to create a Remark Office OMR template to collect data from your basic test answer sheet or survey […]

November 17, 2020

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar November 18

Using Scaled Scores with Grading in Remark Office OMR A scaled score converts a student’s score on a test to a common scale that allows for a numeric comparison among students. Scaled scores are considered an advanced feature targeted to […]

November 10, 2020

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar November 12

Form Design Best Practices for Remark Office OMR – Thursday, November 12, 2:00PM EST New to Remark Office OMR? Need a refresher on creating forms? You have a great deal of flexibility in the forms you design for use with […]

November 9, 2020

FAQ: Can I use Barcodes in Remark Office OMR?

Remark Office OMR has a long history of capturing information using bubbles, but its recognition capabilities don’t stop there. Remark can also read barcodes! Barcodes offer an easy way to capture information such as ID numbers, class numbers and other […]

October 21, 2020

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar October 28

Are you using a generic teacher course evaluation form that doesn’t include information for the instructor, course or semester and need a way to include that additional data when reading your completed evaluation forms? Do you need a way to […]

October 16, 2020

Why am I not able to see the XLSX file when saving data or using database lookup?

Remark Office OMR and Remark Classic OMR require the Microsoft Access Database Engine in order to use the newer Microsoft Access ACCDB and Microsoft Excel XLSX file formats (from 2007 upwards).  Without the Microsoft Access Database Engine, Remark users only […]

October 13, 2020

FAQ: Can My Remark Office OMR Forms Be Printed on Any Size Paper?

The flexibility available with the Remark Office OMR software is unparalleled when compared to competing solutions available on the market. Not only can customers design their own forms, print on regular copy paper, and scan with an image scanner or […]

October 7, 2020

Remark Office OMR 10.4 Released

Remark Office OMR 10.4 is now available! This update contains a variety of fixes and updates including: An error was eliminated when exporting Student Response Reports to Excel with Standard Test Versions. We fixed an issue where under certain circumstances […]

October 6, 2020

Using Analysis Respondent IDs in Reports and Data Exports in Remark Office OMR

Within Remark Office OMR, you can set a particular region in the form template file as an Analysis Respondent ID to use as an identifier on reports and in data exports. These Analysis Respondent IDs can be student/respondent names, student/respondent […]

September 14, 2020

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar September 23

Application Preferences for Customizing the Remark Office OMR Software – Wednesday, September 23, 2:00 PM EDT This webinar will show how to customize the Remark Office OMR software by setting up preferences. Preferences allow you to set the way the […]

September 9, 2020

.NET Framework Requirement for Remark Products

Remark software products, including Remark Office OMR and Remark Classic OMR, require Microsoft .NET Framework to be enabled in Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 in order to install and run properly. If Microsoft .NET Framework is not enabled […]

August 20, 2020

FAQ: How do I create bubbles on forms I want to read with Remark Office OMR?

Remark Office OMR’s ability to read forms is unmatched. One of the biggest reasons for its superb accuracy is its custom bubble fonts. There are five custom bubble fonts that install with the software. These custom bubble fonts include plain […]

August 17, 2020

Upcoming Monthly Support Webinar - August 26

Remark Office OMR Recognition Troubleshooting Tips: Tuesday – Wednesday, August 26, 2:00 PM EDT Are you having problems with Remark Office OMR recognizing and/or reading your data correctly? Maybe it is a 3100 Error, a light mark not reading or […]

August 11, 2020

Remark Products Knowledgebase

The Remark Products Knowledgebase is available through the support page on our website. The Remark Products Knowledgebase contains valuable information on our various Remark products: Remark Office OMR Remark Quick Stats (the analysis & reporting package) Remark Test Grading Cloud […]

August 4, 2020

FAQ: Can I Really Use Plain Paper?

Yes! You read that correctly, Remark Office OMR and Remark Test Grading process plain paper forms! Standard 20 lb. copy paper works well for single sided forms. When printing duplex (double sided), you may want to consider a thicker paper […]

July 15, 2020

Upcoming Monthly Support Webinar - July 22

Remark Office OMR Analysis Preferences – Wednesday – July 22, 2:00 PM EDT In Remark Quick Stats, the analysis and reporting module of Remark Office OMR, there are general preferences to help customize how you use the software. Running reports […]

June 22, 2020

FAQ: Can I Print My Remark Office OMR Forms on Colored Paper?

If you are reading this, you probably already know that the Remark Office OMR software is designed to process plain paper forms. Remark Office OMR works best with forms that are printed on plain white paper and black ink; however, […]

June 17, 2020

Upcoming Webinar Using the Automation Control Center in Remark Office OMR

Using the Automation Control Center in Remark Office OMR, Wednesday June 24, 2:00PM EDT Do you frequently process the same forms to collect data and then save and report on the data? Do you wish you could automate the process? […]

June 15, 2020

FAQ: Will My Scanner Work?

One of the questions we are asked often in Remark Sales and Support is whether a particular scanner model will work with the Remark products. Our popular Remark Office OMR and Remark Test Grading applications are designed to work with […]

June 1, 2020

Using Electronic Bubble Sheets in Remark Office OMR

Electronic Bubble Sheets (fillable PDF forms) are often used in place of official paper documents when completing important paperwork via the web. Electronic Bubble Sheets (fillable PDFs) can be created using most existing document types, including scanned paper documents, non-interactive […]

April 27, 2020

Upcoming Webinar: Working with Pre/Post Data in Remark Office OMR

Working with Pre/Post Data in Remark Office OMR, Wednesday, April 29, 2020, 2:00PM EDT  Do you have a test that you want to give at the beginning of a class then again at the end of a class to determine […]

March 23, 2020

Upcoming Webinar Remark Office OMR: Part 2 - The Data Center and Remark Quick Stats

Remark Office OMR:  Part 2 – The Data Center and Remark Quick Stats, Wednesday, March 25, 2:00 PM EDT Using the test and survey template files (.OMR) created in our previous webinar, Part 1 — The Template Editor, we will […]

March 17, 2020

Remark Software Availability

Gravic’s Remark Software team is here for you during this trying time. Our sales and support staff are available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday from 9am-6pm EDT, to assist with your needs. We wish everyone well during this […]

March 11, 2020

Upcoming Webinar Remark Office OMR: Part 1 - The Template Editor

Remark Office OMR:  Part 1 – The Template Editor, Wednesday, March 18, 2:00 PM EDT Are you new to the software or simply need a refresher covering the basics of working with your Remark Office OMR software? In this first […]

November 25, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Using Review Exceptions in Remark Office OMR

Are there colored cells in your data? If so, there are issues in the data to review and validate before performing any analysis operations or exporting the data to another application. Lucky for you, Remark makes this easy by eliminating […]

November 11, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Report Batches in Remark Office OMR

Do you find yourself manually filtering and running the same reports over and over again? Did you know Remark includes a Report Batch feature that allows you to auto filter data based on regions from the form template, display, print […]

October 28, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Report Preferences in Remark Quick Stats

Are you curious about using the Report Style section to control what is on the reports you generate in Remark Quick Stats? Each report has its own set of properties that can be accessed to allow some customizing. We’ll even […]

October 21, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Automatic Form, Page and Respondent Identification in Remark Office OMR.

Automatic Form, Page and Respondent Identification in Remark Office OMR,  October 23, 2019, 1:30 EDT With Auto Form ID, Remark Office OMR can automatically recognize a form and match it to its form template, allowing you to process various form […]

August 15, 2019

Using Fillable PDF Document Files in Remark Office OMR

Fillable PDF forms are often used in place of official paper documents when completing important paperwork via the web. Fillable PDFs can be created using most existing document types, including scanned paper documents, non-interactive PDF forms, spreadsheets, and Word documents. […]

August 8, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Custom Report Headers in Remark Quick Stats

Custom Report Headers in Remark Quick Stats, Wednesday, August 14, 2019, 1:30 PM EDT Custom Report Headers allow you to customize titles and add graphics to your report headings, and can be used in Remark Office OMR, Remark Web Survey […]

July 23, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Help template Editor Tools – Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 2:30 PM EDT

Helpful Template Editor Tools:  Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 2:30 PM EDT There are many tools in the Remark Office OMR Template Editor that can make creating templates much easier. We will show you things like default preferences, copy and paste […]

March 19, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Combining Data Files in Remark Office OMR, Wednesday, March 27, 2019 1:30PM-2:30PM EDT

Do you have a form that you regularly use to collect data and save the collected data in multiple or separate data files? Maybe it’s a conference evaluation for different sessions, or a pre/post-test where the form is the same […]

March 14, 2019

Remark Office OMR - Restricted and Reserved Characters

When working with Remark Office OMR, use care when selecting Region Names, Question Names and Labels as there are several reserved characters that cannot be used as they could cause problems when exporting data to certain formats. If you plan […]

February 25, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Barcodes and OCR in Remark Office OMR - Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 1:30 PM EST

Barcodes and OCR in Remark Office OMR – Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 1:30 PM EST Did you know Remark can recognize more than bubbles? This webinar will cover creating properly formatted Code 3 of 9 barcodes for use with barcode […]

February 5, 2019

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Creating Template in Remark Office OMR - Thursday, February 7, 2019, 1:30 PM EST

Creating Templates in Remark Office OMR  – Thursday, February 7, 2019, 1:30 PM EST Has it been a while since you created a template in Remark Office OMR or are you new to the software and not sure how to […]

January 23, 2019

Remark Support Videos Have a New Home!

For many years, we have produced support videos for our Remark Office OMR and Remark Test Grading Cloud products. These videos highlight a mix of step-by-step tutorials on specific features as well as general product overviews. Recently we moved from […]

January 16, 2019

Remark Office OMR 10.1 is Available!

Remark Office OMR 10.1 is now available! This update contains a variety of new features, fixes, and updates including: A link was added to the Help menu to submit a Remark review on our website… let us know what you […]

January 8, 2019

Remark Office OMR Free Form Review Service

The Remark Support team has decades of experience in reviewing customers’ forms for compatibility with Remark Office OMR. While Remark Office OMR allows for vast creativity in form design, there are certain guidelines required in order for the software to […]

October 26, 2018

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Using Database Lookup in Remark Office OMR – Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 1:30 PM EDT

Using Database Lookup in Remark Office OMR – Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 1:30 PM EDT Remark Office OMR has a Database Lookup feature that can: 1) verify that the recognized data from a region appears in an external database and 2) after […]

September 21, 2018

Remark Office OMR Support Videos - Multiple Answer Keys

Do you distribute multiple versions of a test to help minimize cheating? Remark Office OMR allows you to grade multiple answer keys in order to reduce the number of students who copy answers from another student. The software offers two […]

September 7, 2018

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Creating Basic Templates in Remark Office OMR – Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 1:30 PM EDT

Creating Basic Templates in Remark Office OMR – Wednesday, September 12, 2018, 1:30 PM EDT Your basic answer sheet or survey form has been designed based on our form design guidelines. Now you’re ready to create a template to collect […]

August 29, 2018

Remark Office OMR Support Videos - Tabulating Surveys

With Remark Office OMR’s update to version 10, we are continuing to provide new support videos on various features that will be beneficial to our customers. Use the links below to learn how to quickly tabulate surveys and other evaluation […]

August 15, 2018

Remark Office OMR Support Videos - Customizing Reports

More Remark Office OMR version 10 videos have now been released to our YouTube channel! Watch the videos below to gain a deeper understanding and familiarize yourself with the customization tools that are available for your reports. Customizing Report Styles– […]

August 3, 2018

Remark Office OMR Support Videos - All About Test Grading

Check out the latest support videos to assist with your test grading needs in Remark Office OMR version 10! Follow the links below to learn how grading your tests and accessing reports can be as easy as clicking a single […]

July 20, 2018

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Using Report Batches in Remark Quick Stats – Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 2:00 PM EDT

Using Report Batches in Remark Quick Stats – Wednesday, July 25, 2018, 2:00 PM EDT The Report Batch feature in Remark Quick Stats allows you to quickly generate reports for your collected data. This feature is especially beneficial when you need […]

July 19, 2018

More Remark Office OMR 10 Support Videos

Four more Remark Office OMR 10 support videos have now been released as part of our commitment to continue providing you with updated versions! Follow any of the YouTube links below to watch an updated video detailing a particular feature […]

July 5, 2018

Creating a Training Evaluation Form in Microsoft Word for Use with Remark Office OMR

Are you looking to receive feedback on improving your training programs? Watch this video to learn how to create a Remark Office OMR compatible evaluation form for a training session in Microsoft Word in a matter of minutes. In order […]

June 26, 2018

More Remark Office OMR 10 Support Videos

We promised more Remark Office OMR 10 videos and here they are! Click a link below to see this feature in action: Adding Data on the Fly – Learn how to add descriptive information to your data set without having […]

June 11, 2018

New Remark Office OMR Support Videos

Did you know that Remark Office OMR has been recently updated to Version 10? For your convenience we are creating updated support videos detailing specific features in Remark Office OMR. Check out the following videos for more information: Exporting Grades to […]

October 24, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Advanced Grade (Part 2) - Advanced Answer Keys in Remark Office OMR

October Remark Support Webinar Each month, Remark Support does a webinar on topics that come up frequently in support. This month’s webinar is Advanced Answer Keys. Read on for more information and to sign up. Advanced Grade (Part 2) – […]

October 13, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Working with Multiple Language Surveys in Remark Office OMR on October 18

Working with Multiple Language Surveys in Remark Office OMR – Wednesday, October 18, 1:30 PM EDT Have you ever had a need to conduct a survey with the same questions and responses, but in different languages? This webinar will review […]

October 10, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Advanced Grade (Part 1) - Standard (Multiple) in Remark Office OMR

Advanced Grade (Part 1) – Standard Answer Keys (Multiple) in Remark Office OMR – Wednesday, October 11, 1:30 PM EDT You have scored tests with a single answer key but did you know you can score tests using multiple answer […]

June 26, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Processing Ballots in Remark Office OMR on June 28, 2017

Processing Ballots in Remark Office OMR, June 28, 2017 2:00 PM EDT Remark Office OMR is known for grading and surveying but did you know you can also use it for ballots and counting responses? You will learn how to […]

May 15, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar – Helpful Template Editor Tools in Remark Office OMR on May 24, 2017

Helpful Template Editor Tools: Wednesday, May 24, 2017 2:00 PM EDT There are many tools in the Remark Office OMR Template Editor that can make creating templates much easier. We will show you things like copy and paste special, undo/redo, […]

April 14, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Processing Forms in Remark Office OMR on April 26th, 2017

Processing Forms: Wednesday, April 26, 2017 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT Your form has been designed, the template is created and now you are ready to process your respondents’ forms. This webinar will explain how to scan forms in […]

March 31, 2017

Free Form Review Service For Remark Office OMR Forms

Gravic’s Remark Product Group Support Team is always happy to review forms for compatibility with the Remark Office OMR software. You are allowed a great deal of flexibility in form design, but certain principles hold true to get the best accuracy. […]

March 27, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Remark Office OMR Template Creation

Template Creation: Wednesday April 5, 2017 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT You have a form designed using our form design best practices and now you are ready to create a template to collect your data. This webinar will show […]

March 20, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar - Recognition Troubleshooting Tips

Recognition Troubleshooting Tips: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT Are you having problems with Remark Office OMR recognizing and/or reading your data correctly? Maybe it is a 3100 Error, a light mark not reading or data […]

March 16, 2017

Upcoming Remark Support Webinar

Form Design Best Practices: Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT The key to using Remark Office OMR begins with a well-designed form. You have a great deal of flexibility in the forms you design, but regardless […]

March 8, 2017

Maintenance & Technical Support – Remark-ably Important

Remark Office OMR offers a wide variety of features for collecting and analyzing data. Because the software is a multi-purpose data collection tool, you may find that you have questions about how to utilize certain features to your benefit. This is where […]

March 2, 2017

Best Practices for Remark Office OMR Form Design

One of the best features about Remark Office OMR is the ability to create your own forms, which gives you a great deal of flexibility. However, when creating a form to use with Remark Office OMR, there are a few […]

September 28, 2016

Working with #GoogleDrive and Remark Test Grading Cloud

Here is a quick support tip on using Google Drive to store your completed test answer sheets for Remark Test Grading Cloud. Google Drive is one of the most popular applications used in K-12 schools. Many scanners already have functionality […]

September 13, 2016

Remark Test Grading Edition for Windows - Active Directory Installs FAQ (Fonts)

If you are a customer who pushes out the Remark Test Grading Edition for Windows installation via Active Directory, you may find the following FAQ helpful. In some instances, you may notice a subtle issue with the application fonts after […]

August 26, 2016

Support Video: Appended Regions in Remark Office OMR

Our support team is at it again… we have another new video for you! Sometimes you have questions on your form where the answer choices are separated by something such as text or lines. In this case, you need to […]

August 17, 2016

Support Video: Math Grid-In Regions in Remark Office OMR

Remark Support often publishes videos about software features to help our users make the most of their software. In this video, we show you how to set up a math grid-in region in the Remark Office OMR template editor. Math […]

August 10, 2016

Support Video: Creating a Basic OMR Region in Remark Office OMR

If you are a Remark Office OMR user, you are going to use OMR regions often when you create templates for your custom forms. An OMR region is used to define the of bubbles on your form. These bubbles might be […]

August 9, 2016

Support Video: Using Remark Software with #Blackboard

Are you a Blackboard user? Did you know we have a building block that allows you to import grades from the tests you scanned in our Remark software? In this video, we show you how to export grades from Remark Office OMR and […]

April 4, 2016

Upcoming Remark Support Monthly Webinar

Remark Office OMR Analysis Preferences – Wednesday – April 13, 2016, 2:00 PM EDT In Remark Quick Stats, the analysis and reporting module of Remark Office OMR, there are general preferences to help customize how you use the software. Running reports […]

March 29, 2016

Upcoming Remark Support Monthly Webinar

Remark Office OMR Preferences – Wednesday – March 30, 2016, 2:00 PM EDT This webinar will show how to customize the Remark Office OMR software by setting up preferences. Preferences allow you to set the way the software functions by […]

March 28, 2016

Batch Header Feature with Multiple Answer Keys

Today’s post is brought to you by Remark Support. Our November webinar was about using batch headers, which are sheets of descriptive information that you want added to your data. For example, if you are conducting a course evaluation, you […]

March 1, 2016

RMK or RMX for Data Output?

Remark Support is often asked which file type – .RMK or .RMX – should be used to save processed Remark data. The answer to that question depends on whether your are grading tests or tabulating surveys. First and foremost, no matter […]

January 12, 2016

Using Microsoft Word’s Mail Merge Functionality to Pre-Print Data

If you have ever had to send out a mass mailing then you may have experience using Microsoft Word’s mail merge functionality. This feature is designed so that you can pre-print known information on items such as shipping labels, letters, […]

November 24, 2015

Adding Additional Data to Your Remark Office OMR Data Set

Did you know that you can add information to your data set, even if it’s not on the form being scanned? Beginning with Remark Office OMR 2014, the software allows you to add data items to your Remark data set […]

November 18, 2015

Windows 10 Support for Remark Office OMR

Have you upgraded to Windows 10 yet? Planning to upgrade? Then we have good news for you! Remark Office OMR 2014 is compatible with Windows 10! Remember to make sure any scanner you are using with the software is also […]

November 9, 2015

Upcoming Support Webinar - Using Batch Headers in Remark Office OMR – Wednesday, November 11, 2015 1:30 pm EST

We hope you can join us for our latest monthly support webinar, Using Batch Headers in Remark Office OMR. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, November 11th at 1:30pm EST. The Remark Office OMR Data Center includes a batch processing […]

October 1, 2015

Support Tip - Error Opening Remark Data Files (.RMK and .RMX)

Today’s post is brought to you by Remark Support to help you with a common problem we hear about from our customers. This problem is one we have seen many times with customers who are saving data to one of […]

August 7, 2015

New Support Videos: Creating Template Fields for Barcodes and OCR for Remark Office OMR

Barcodes and machine printed text can be great space savers on your paper forms for adding know information. Many times these items are used as identifiers (Form, Page, Location, Respondent), but really they are a great way to add any […]