Did you know that you can add information to your data set, even if it’s not on the form being scanned? Beginning with Remark Office OMR 2014, the software allows you to add data items to your Remark data set for use in analysis at the time of form processing. To use this feature, you can set up additional image regions in the Remark template for each data element you wish to add to the data set. In the Image Region Properties window, one of the settings is “Prompt me for the fill value when reading.” If you select this setting, you can enter a “fill-value” for the Image region when you begin the read process. This fill value may be something that describes the forms you are processing. For example, if you are processing conference session evaluations, you could enter the name of each session and have it is added to each data record. Or if you are processing course evaluations you could type in the instructor or course name. At read time, simply enter the desired value, and it is populated into each form’s data record. When you read a different batch of forms, you can change the value as needed. You can have more than one of these Image regions in your template to populate multiple data items. This feature is a great way to save space on your forms but still get the information you need into your data set. You can see this feature in action in our YouTube video or try it out for yourself with our free demo.
Here’s a tip when using this feature: Do not use Attempt to detect the presence of handwriting in the region if you are using this feature, since you are already entering a value.
We hope you can find a use for this feature with the data you are collecting. Have a novel use case? Be sure to let us know. We love to hear how customers are using our products!
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