August 29, 2024

Restoring the Image Viewer if it Disappears from the Data Center

When processing completed forms in the Remark Office OMR data center, the lower portion of the data center screen should display the completed form image. As you click through the data cells, the viewer area updates to show you the form image and specific area on that form from which the data was captured. Having the image visible in the viewer is necessary when reviewing exceptions. If you don't see the image viewer area, there are a few things you can check before calling support for assistance.

First, along the top of the data center, click View. The second item in the list that appears is "Toggle Image Viewer Visibility." To see the image viewer, this option should have a checkmark next to it. If it does not, click on "Toggle Image Viewer Visibility." This will add a checkmark to the option allowing the image viewer to appear.

If the image viewer is still not visible, look for the dark horizontal divider line just below the data center tab that shows the template name. This line can be clicked and dragged to adjust the size of the data center row area and the image viewer area. If the line is at the bottom of the screen, you may need to drag it up higher on the screen to see the image viewer area.

These steps should allow you to see the image viewer and the completed form images when working with your data. The words "Image Viewer" appear in the top left of the viewer area, followed by the name of the image file visible in the viewer area.

If you are still unable to see the image viewer, reach out to support during our normal business hours.

Remark Product Support can be reached Monday - Friday (except for major holidays) from 9AM - 6PM Eastern time at 610-647-8595 or by email at [email protected].

August 27, 2024

Revolutionizing Election Management with Remark Office OMR

The Missouri Rural Letter Carriers Association faced significant challenges in managing their election process for delegate selection. With 3,500 voters spread across the state, the manual tabulation of ballots was labor-intensive, time-consuming, and costly. Seeking a more efficient and accurate solution, Danny Kemerling, the former Chairman of the Election Committee, discovered Remark Office OMR. Our optical mark recognition software transformed the election process, reducing the tabulation time from an entire day to just one hour. Remark's user-friendly interface and excellent technical support made the transition seamless, saving time and reducing costs.

By implementing Remark Office OMR, the Missouri Rural Letter Carriers Association experienced a remarkable improvement in their election process. Our software's efficiency and accuracy allowed for quick and reliable results, enhancing the overall experience for both the election committee and the voters. To learn more about how Remark Office OMR revolutionized their election management, follow this link to read the full case study.

August 19, 2024

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar August 22

In Remark Quick Stats, the analysis and reporting module of Remark Office OMR, there are general preferences to help customize how you use the software. Running reports can be quicker and easier by setting up the general preference to your liking. You can set a default report to run, how to handle blank and “Not Applicable” responses, grade scales, what statistics to export and much more. Each of the options will be explained during this webinar.

This webinar is targeted at beginner and intermediate Remark Office OMR users. But whether you are a beginner user or a seasoned pro, this webinar is tailored to provide invaluable tips and techniques to leverage surveying effectively. Secure your spot today by clicking the link below and take your data analysis skills to new heights!

Click here to sign up for this month's webinar.

Webinars are free to customers with current maintenance or technical support agreements. If you do not have a current agreement, each webinar costs $50 USD. Why not consider purchasing a support agreement? A support agreement entitles you to attend any monthly webinar at no additional cost. For support status information, contact our support department.

You can view our upcoming webinars here.

August 12, 2024

An Exciting Big Update for Remark Test Grading!

Greetings to our Remark-able community!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest update of Remark Test Grading, packed with incredible features and improvements to enhance the test grading and analysis experience for our users. Let's dive into the latest updates!

FACTS Integration

We are excited to introduce a new integration with FACTS LMS! FACTS is a widely used platform in K-12 educational institutions to help track student growth. Our new integration allows users to seamlessly sync class rosters and send test grades back to the FACTS gradebook. For more information about this integration and our other LMS integrations, please contact our sales team.

Account Dashboard Reporting

Gain deeper insights into your account usage with our new Account Dashboard Reporting. Administrators can access these insights by navigating to the Account Dashboard, clicking the three dots in the right corner, and selecting Download Account Insights. The CSV file will provide valuable information about instructor logins and the number of tests graded and submitted.

Test Designer Updates

  • Spacing: Control the amount of spacing between groups of multiple-choice questions. Go to Design Settings, navigate to the Layout tab, and select Group Size to choose the number of questions within a group. A line break will be added after each group.
  • Margins: Adjust the margins of a printed test by accessing the Design Settings and then the Layout tab. Under the Page tab, choose between Narrow, Normal, or Wide margins to fit your questions perfectly on the page.
  • Delete All: Easily delete all question types and other form elements with the Delete All option. In the Test Designer card, click the three dots, select Delete, and choose the items to remove.

Accessibility Enhancements

We’ve made several updates to improve accessibility, including correcting keyboard navigation issues and reconfiguring color contrast. These enhancements ensure a more inclusive and user-friendly experience for everyone.

Importing Answer Keys

You can now import an answer key that was exported from Remark Test Grading. This is perfect for sharing your answer key with another user or reusing it with a different test, provided the answer key matches your test in terms of questions and answer choices.

When you log into Remark, be sure to read the notifications for all of these new enhancements.

Thank you for choosing Remark Test Grading! Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Happy testing!

July 22, 2024

Upcoming Support Monthly Webinar July 25

A scaled score converts a student’s score on a test to a common scale that allows for a numeric comparison among students. Scaled scores are considered an advanced feature targeted to specific use cases where a specific test grade is needed from an external grading system. A scaled score allows you to use a database to translate a student’s score on a test from a standard raw or percent score into another scale, as defined in the translation file (database). If you need to use Scaled Scoring but aren’t sure how to set it up in Remark Office OMR, this webinar is for you.

This webinar is targeted at advanced Remark Office OMR users. But whether you are a beginner user or a seasoned pro, this webinar is tailored to provide invaluable tips and techniques to leverage surveying effectively. Secure your spot today by clicking the link below and take your data analysis skills to new heights!

Click here to sign up for this month's webinar.

Webinars are free to customers with current maintenance or technical support agreements. If you do not have a current agreement, each webinar costs $50 USD. Why not consider purchasing a support agreement? A support agreement entitles you to attend any monthly webinar at no additional cost. For support status information, contact our support department.

You can view our upcoming webinars here.

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