Higher Education

Test Prep Company Uses Remark to Automatically Grade Practice Standardized Tests

Test Prep Company Uses Remark to Automatically Grade Practice Standardized Tests

Introduction On Point Tutoring specializes in preparing students for college entrance exams such as the SATs and ACTs, while also offering college application coaching for...

Portuguese University Increases Grading Accuracy and Efficiency with Remark Office OMR

Portuguese University Increases Grading Accuracy and Efficiency with Remark Office OMR

Filipe has several favorite features in Remark Office OMR. One aspect he really enjoys is being able to grade multiple versions of tests simultaneously. He also appreciates the ability to quickly address questions with multiple responses with the Review Exceptions feature. Lastly, he also likes the template creation and the ability to create customized forms.

Collecting University Research Data Using Remark Office OMR

Collecting University Research Data Using Remark Office OMR

Learn how the Center for Youth and Communities at Brandeis University used Remark Office OMR to evaluate research data from thousands of surveys.

Collecting Research Survey Data Using Remark Office OMR

Collecting Research Survey Data Using Remark Office OMR

Automating the collection of research data with Remark Office OMR at the special education and communication disorders (SECD) department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Increasing University Exam Scanning Efficiency with Remark Office OMR

Increasing University Exam Scanning Efficiency with Remark Office OMR

See how the University of New Hampshire uses Remark Office OMR to score 40,000 to 60,000 exams each semester. All grades are uploaded into Blackboard and Canvas.

College Access Program Processes Parent Surveys and Event Evaluations with Remark Office OMR

College Access Program Processes Parent Surveys and Event Evaluations with Remark Office OMR

A large university currently offers a program that promotes post-secondary education for low income schools in rural communities. The program serves over 4,000 students from 13 different high schools. Every year, in an attempt to better the program and the results, the program sends a parent survey, as well as handing out event evaluations at the given events that occur throughout the year.

Collecting and Analyzing Graduate Surveys and other Assessments at Oakland University with Remark Office OMR

Collecting and Analyzing Graduate Surveys and other Assessments at Oakland University with Remark Office OMR

See how the Office of Institutional Assessment uses Remark Office OMR to collect and analyze data from a variety of surveys and general education learner outcomes.

Grading Tests at a Statewide High School Math Competition

Grading Tests at a Statewide High School Math Competition

With the stakes high and the time frame short, see how Trevecca Nazarene University used Remark Office OMR to quickly collect, sort and grade exams for a scholarship awards competition.

Collecting and Analyzing Data with Remark Office OMR and Remark Web Survey

Collecting and Analyzing Data with Remark Office OMR and Remark Web Survey

Check out how Savannah College of Art and Design handles an internally developed survey given annually for 2,500 respondents using Remark Office OMR and Remark Web Survey.

Remark Products in Action: Institutional Effectiveness

Remark Products in Action: Institutional Effectiveness

Find out how Susan Evans was able to collect over 2000 responses and analyze data over a 9 day period using Remark Office OMR and Remark Web Survey.