Security and the residency of data is a constant concern for anyone using a Cloud-based service. “Where is our data stored?” is probably the most common question our sales and support teams receive from prospective customers of our Remark Test Grading Cloud application. Our Cloud application is well-architected with a premium placed on security. We only collect the minimum amount of personal information required to provide our test grading service and encrypt all data at rest and in motion. Further, we are using the world’s most popular hosting provider for the Cloud hosting, Amazon Web Services. Still, we realize that for some customers, having data stored in the USA is problematic.
With that in mind, we are thrilled to announce that we have extended our footprint for the Remark Test Grading Cloud and have added the option of hosting and storing data in Canada. Now, users in Canada have the option to have their data stored totally on servers located in Canada. This option will be available for all new customers of Remark Test Grading Cloud in Canada. We hope to further extend our reach as customer demand intensifies in other parts of the world.
Remark Test Grading Cloud is a powerful test grading application streamlined for individual teacher use. Tests can be distributed on paper or online. Paper tests are printed on plain paper and can be scanned for grading with any image scanner or network copier. For online testing, links to the online test are emailed to the student for completion online. For both options you instantly receive grades based on an answer key you provide. Use the built-in analysis reports to see student, class, or test item performance. In addition, easily export grades to gradebooks and student management systems or use one of our LMS connectors for seamless integration (Canvas, D2L and Blackboard). All of this can be accomplished with a few clicks on the mouse!
To learn more about Remark Test Grading Cloud and our hosting options please contact our Sales Department. You can request a live webinar to see the application in action or request a trial to test it out for yourself.
In an effort to assist educators during the COVID-19 pandemic we are offering a free subscription to Remark Test Grading Cloud until the end of the year. For more information see our offers for higher education instructors and K-12 teachers.
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