Remark Test Grading Features

Remark Test Grading offers a huge array of powerful features to make your test grading process simple and affordable!

Features of Remark Test Grading

Remark Test Grading has many, many features to help you save time and money grading tests. Below are some of the main features you will find in the application.

Don’t see a feature you need or have an idea for a great new feature? Submit your feature request.

Paper Test Features

  • Create your own forms
    • Uses plain-paper answer sheets, which are those printed on regular printer/copy paper
    • Includes a test designer to create your own tests tailored to your tests, or select one of the pre-defined standard forms (25, 50, 100 or 200 questions)
    • Create your own school standard answer sheets and make them available for all instructors to use
  • Advanced formatting features
    • Create multiple choice questions with up to 26 answer choices and user defined scales, including A-E, 1-5, alternating answer choices, true/false, or your own custom scale
    • Includes the ability to add question text and answer labels to your scannable form
    • Create math grids (numbers, fractions, decimals) for numeric answers
    • Include open response points for essays, short answer, and other write-in questions
    • Include school logo on test answer sheets
    • Tests can span multiple pages
    • Create multiple test versions (create up to five versions of the same test, each with questions in a different order)
  • Printing tests
    • Print test forms on any printer or copier (MFP)
    • Import rosters and merge student, teacher, class, and test information to create personalized answer sheets for easy identification and tracking
    • Allows for generic answer sheets with bubble-in student ID grids for larger classes
    • Supports non-rostered classes where an instructor can grade student tests without first having to specify a class roster
      • Remark Test Grading clips the students’ handwritten names from the answer sheets and displays them on the reports
    • Optionally email Remark Electronic Bubble Sheets™ (fillable PDFs) to students for completion, eliminating the need to print tests
  • No special papers or writing instruments
    • No need for corner marks or any other special marks on tests
    • Respondents can use pen, pencil… even marker!

Scanning and Form Processing Features

  • Scanners and copiers
    • Scan forms with an image scanner or multifunction copier and create PDF, TIFF, PNG, or JPG images
    • Upload completed test images to the Remark application for processing
    • Email scanned tests directly from your copier or scanner to the application for processing
  • Exceptional form recognition
    • Proven, patented OMR technology reads real world forms with erasures, crossed out marks, skewing, etc.
  • Automatic form identification
    • Barcode on forms eliminates the need to pre-sort forms
    • Remark automatically identifies the instructor, test, class, student, and page of the test.
    • Scan pages in any order and process multiple different tests in one batch
    • Tracks who has and has not taken a test on a class basis when using a class roster
      • If a student is absent and takes a make up test, only that test form needs to be scanned… never need to rescan processed tests
  • Easy data clean up
    • Use the simple exception correction facility to view problems on-screen and make changes
    • No need to go back to the paper forms
  • Open response processing
    • For open response items on the test, images of test answers are viewed on-screen and graded with no need to look at the paper forms
    • Grader can provide comments back to the student
    • Responses can be displayed anonymously to grader to prevent bias

Online Testing Features

  • Creating online tests
    • Use form designer to create your online tests
    • Create multiple choice questions with up to 26 answer choices and user defined scales, including A-E, 1-5, alternating answer choices, true/false, or your own custom scale
    • Includes the ability to add question text and answer labels to your scannable form
    • Create math grids (numbers, fractions, decimals) for numeric answers
    • Include open response points for essays, short answer, and other write-in questions
    • Add directions and other text to the tests
    • Add images to your tests
  • Test distribution
    • Requires a student roster
    • Choose an availability window for your test, or manually open and close the test
    • Set a timer for the test if desired
    • Present test questions to students on one page or present questions one at a time
    • Optionally randomize the order of questions displayed to each student
    • Send email invitations to each student, or export the test URLs to distribute outside of the application
  • Student experience
    • Students click a link in the email invitation to start the test
    • Use any modern browser to take the test
    • Students navigate the test, which includes:
      • Warnings for any unanswered questions
      • The ability to flag questions for review before test is submitted
      • A timer for tests with a time limit
    • Tests with time limits are auto submitted when time is up
  • Instructor experience
    • Instructor sees real time progress of students taking the online test
    • Submitted tests are automatically graded

Answer Keys

  • Defining an answer key
    • Scan the answer key with student tests or enter the key manually in the application
    • Answer key can be modified at any time and tests regraded based upon changes
  • Answer key features
    • Set test points per question (1 point each by default)
    • Include more than one correct response for a question
    • Assign test points for open response questions
    • Throw out questions or make them extra credit
    • Set a custom grade scale for a test
    • Set a target benchmark for a test
    • Set up learning objectives to measure against standards
      • Grades are broken down by learning objective to show student mastery on different concepts tested

Data Export and Integration With LMS Systems

  • Data export formats supported
    • Exports raw test data a to several formats (CSV, Excel, Access, and more) for easy import into other analysis applications
    • Exports grades to Canvas, CSV, and other formats for easy import into gradebooks, student management systems, and learning management systems
  • Learning management system (LMS) connectors
  • Sync rosters with Classlink

Grade Reports Overview

  • Reports look at the test from different perspectives
    • Class reports provide detail on how the class performed on the test
    • Student reports provide detail about the performance of each student in the class
    • Item reports provide detail on how your students responded to each of the items on the test
  • Delve deeper into the test using learning objectives
    • Break down the test to analyze the different content areas tested
    • See performance of students and overall class on each learning objective or standard
    • Learn where the students are succeeding and where they need more review
      • Helps provide differentiated instruction
  • Provide student feedback
    • Individual student reports are available
    • Graders can provide feedback to students on their performance on any item or the overall test
  • Export reports
    • Reports are saved as PDF and Excel files
    • Reports can be printed or emailed to instructors and/or students

Learn more about specific reports available in Remark Test Grading

System Requirements and Security

  • Hosted solution
    • Accessible from any modern web browser (PC, Mac, Tablet, etc.)
    • Nothing to install, no IT resources required
    • Adheres to modern security standards
  • Recommended optional requirements
    • Supported scanner (includes multifunction printer with scanning capabilities)
    • Printer or copier
    • Internet access (higher speed is better)
    • PDF viewer required to view tests and reports

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