Remark Classic OMR Timeline

When using traditional OMR scanners, Remark Classic OMR® scanning software provides an easy interface for scanning and then analyzing your tests or surveys. Data and reports are flexible and compatible with most other analysis applications.

Remark Classic OMR is continually updated based on your suggestions. Below is a list of updates that have been added for all released versions since version 6.0. Please submit a feature request if there is something you would like to see in a future version.

Remark Classic OMR 7.2

August 11, 2023

*indicates customer request


  • *Change Log Updates: Changes to the data grid are now recorded in the change log regardless of whether the recovery log is enabled.
  • Optimization Update: We fixed an issue where the Changed Answer reports still displayed when software optimization is set to disable response statistic calculations.
  • *Point Biserial Calculation with Add Regions: A problem was fixed where the point biserial calculation was not correct for Add regions.
  • *5800 Error Running 104 Student Histogram Report: A 5800 error was corrected when running the Student Histogram Report with floating correct point values.

Features and Enhancements:

  • *Accessibility: The entire product was reviewed for accessibility and updated accordingly to provide a better experience for users with disabilities.
  • *Student Pretest – Posttest Report: A Student Pretest-Posttest report was added to compare results from a pretest and a posttest.
  • *Student Achievement Report: You no longer have to set up a benchmark to run the Student Achievement Report. Ensure that the “Include Students” property is set to “All Students” if you are not using a benchmark.
  • *Customizing Report Labels: The ability to customize the “Learning Objectives” and “Description” labels was added to the 111 – Class Learning Objectives Report.
  • *Copy and Paste for Partial Credit: You can now copy and paste in the grid used to set up partial credit in an answer key.
  • *Report Style Properties: For any report style property that allows you to edit the text (e.g. Footer text) you will now see a pencil you can click to edit the default text.
  • *Schema Names: We added the schema name when using SQL Server and ODBC connections. You will now see the schema name pre-pended to the table name when using Database Lookup, opening data, saving data and appending data to existing files.
  • *Cronbach Alpha Update: Report preferences were added to the 100 – Test Analysis Report so that you can change the scale item names and ranges used for the Cronbach Alpha score.
  • *Reviewed Exception Type: An exception type was added for “Reviewed” cells to let you know which cells had already been reviewed while using Review Exceptions.

Remark Classic OMR 7

March 7, 2022
* indicates customer request

New Features and Enhancements:

  • *Sekonic SR-8000 Hybrid: Support was added for the Sekonic SR-8000 hybrid, which supports both OMR and image scanning.
  • Support for Image Clips: If using a supported image scanner, you can now clip an area to review, such as handwritten comments. The handwritten information appears on select reports.
  • *Optimization Enhancements: A feature was added to assist with optimizing the software for larger operations. In addition, the initial load time for the product was enhanced.
  • *Database Added to Data on the Fly: When using the “Add Data on the Fly” feature to add data during the reading process, you can now pull that information from a database (as opposed to only being able to type information).
  • *Advanced Data Validation: A Data Validation tool was added to the Data Center so that you can create advanced ways to validate your data for review. For example, you can create validation rules to transform data or flag certain types of data (e.g. if you know certain questions might be left blank and do not want to review them).
  • New Archive File Format: We added the Remark Archive formats to allow the packaging of data and images when saving data.
  • *Extra Fields in Custom Data Export: When using the custom data export you can now add data fields that are not part of the template.
  • *Column Names in Custom Data Export: An option to choose whether to include question names as well as their associated delimiter have been added to the configuration step of the custom text export.
  • General Custom Data Export Updates: The following ease of use updates were made to the Custom Data Export: Disabled the update button record count button if the number of records did not change, ensured the first record is selected by default, allow for multiple record selection using Ctrl key, and clarified the add/split button text and availability based on the selection.
  • *Exporting Multiple Respondent Identifiers in Excel Report: When exporting reports to the Excel format, if you have more than one respondent identifier they will be placed in separate columns.
  • *Learning Objectives Update: The following reports now have a preference to show the overall score and/or the learning objectives: 101 Student Statistics Report, 102 Comparative Grade Report, 103 Class Frequency Distribution, 104 Student Score Histogram Report, 107 Demographic Grade Report, 112 Student Achievement Report, 150 Student Grade Report.
  • *Label Updates in Reports: The ability to customize the following labels was added to the Item Analysis Reports and Ballot Response Report: Objectives, Invalid Response, Multiple Responses and No Response.
  • *Student Response Report Update: An option was added to the Student Response Report that allows the user to choose between displaying the response text and the points awarded.
  • Item Analysis Report Update: The Item Analysis reports no longer show duplicate responses.
  • Test Analysis Report Update: The Test Analysis Report has been updated to be more user friendly with a cleaner layout.
  • *Score Histogram Report Updates: The raw totals have been added to the Score Histogram Report.
  • Incorrect Response Report: An Incorrect Response Report was added to show detailed information about questions that were answered incorrectly on a test.
  • Advanced Grade Redirection: If you receive a message box in Advanced Grade/Learning Objectives and close it, you are now properly returned to the Learning Objectives area of Advanced Grade.


  • Error Message when Setting Data Modification Password: An error message was removed when setting the password for the Data Modification Log.
  • Report Batch Prompt for Student Grade Report: A problem was fixed when running report batches where they were not honoring the “prompt for students” option in the Student Grade Report.
  • *Error Exporting Student Response Report to Excel: An error 9000 was corrected when exporting the Student Response Report to Excel AND using Standard Test Versions.
  • Error Creating Batches: An error 438 was corrected when you attempted to create batches in the Data Center.
  • *Exporting Test Item Data: An issue was fixed where partial credit values did not display in the Test Item Data export file.
  • Error Setting SMTP Settings: A null error was corrected when setting up the SMTP settings for email.
  • *Calculation Adjustments on Test Statistics Report: The calculations used on the Test Statistics Report when using multiple test versions were adjusted to match those of Remark Classic OMR 5.
  • Student Achievement Report Error: An error was corrected when running the Student Achievement report with learning objectives set to “Overall” and no test benchmark.
  • *Integrated Item Analysis Report Missing Questions: A problem was fixed where the Integrated Item Analysis Report sometimes did not show certain questions.
  • Student Grade Report Missing Version Number: A problem was fixed when you are using Advanced Test Versions and the test version the student took is not listed on the Student Grade Report.
  • *Empty Custom Header: A problem was fixed where the user-defined custom report header would end up blank.
  • *Error Importing Learning Objectives: An error message 2146232969 “The given key was not present in the dictionary” was corrected when clicking learning objectives after importing them in Advanced Grade.
  • Extra Header Line in Item Response Report: A problem was fixed when running the Item Response Report using Advanced Multiple Test versions, where an extra “Response” label was added at the end of the report for each test version after the first.

Remark Classic OMR 6.2

May 2020
* indicates customer request

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Generic Keys Support Multiple Test Versions. Support was added for both Standard and Advanced multiple test versions when saving and loading generic answer keys.


  • *Duplicate Answers: An error was eliminated when grading with a template that contains duplicate answers for a question.
  • Managing Email Template in Report Batches: An “Index out of bounds” error was corrected when you attempted to “manage” the email template when generating Report Batches.
  • *Error #5800 with Item Analysis Reports: An error #5800 was corrected when generating the Item Analysis reports in certain situations.
  • *Empty PDF of Crosstab Report: A problem with an empty report was fixed when exporting the Crosstab report from within an automation (REZ) file.
  • *Importing/Exporting Grade Scales: An error #438 was corrected when importing and exporting grade scales.
  • *BeforeKey Error when Analyzing Multiple Data Sets: A “BeforeKey” error was corrected when attempting to analyze more than one data set at a time.
  • *Analysis Group Report Missing Last Graph: A problem was fixed where the Analysis Group report was not displaying the graph for the last question.
  • *Question Weights Set to 0: A problem was fixed where the question weights in Advanced Survey defaulted to 0 instead of 1.
  • *Error Importing Text Keys. An error message was corrected when importing textual answer keys that use advanced multiple test versions in Advanced Grade.
  • *Inconsistencies in Header of Test Item Data Export. The headers were only being included in the file under certain circumstances, which has been fixed so that they always display.
  • Index out of Bounds Error: An Index out of Bounds error was corrected when exporting to the Pinnacle and Blackboard gradebooks.

Remark Classic OMR 6.1

August 2019
* indicates customer request

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Printing Update. A message was added when you are printing on forms during scanning to ensure that you have properly added the desired item to the print queue.
  • *Saving Images as PNG. You can now save scanned images to the PNG format if using an image-enabled scanner.


  • *Run Time Error. A run time #13, type mismatch error was fixed that would occur when you clicked in one of the controls to change a value in an OMR region in the Template Editor.
  • *Printing on Tests. When reading a form with more than two test versions, an “unmatched records” message would appear when printing score information on forms during processing.
  • *Learning Objectives with Scaled Scores. A problem was fixed where learning objectives with different scaled scores applied the last objective scaled score to all learning objectives.
  • *Extra Columns in Results Export. A problem was fixed where there were extra commas for unused data in the CSV export format when using Export Textual Data and Results in Remark Quick Stats.
  • *Exporting Data with Multiple Answer Keys. When exporting data from Remark Quick Stats and using multiple test versions, all records were displaying the first version key identifier regardless of their actual key identifier.
  • *Error when Closing Software using Automation File. A message telling the user to close Remark Quick Stats when automatically exiting the software using an automation file was corrected.

Remark Classic OMR 6.0

October 2018
* indicates customer request

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Fresh New Look: The interface has a fresh new look to better match modern Windows applications.
  • New Scanner Support: Added support for DATAWIN 10, 30, 50 and 300 series OMR scanners.
  • Data Center:
    • *MariaDB Support: MariaDB is now supported for exporting data through ODBC.
    • *Run Database Lookup on a Data File. When using the Database Lookup feature to validate/extract data from an external file, you can now rerun the database lookup on an open data file after scanning.
    • Save Database Lookup Changes to New Template: When a template’s database lookup information is modified from the Data Center, you can now save those changes to a new template (as oppose to only overwriting the currently open template).
  • Automation
    • Chain Automation Files Together: When using automation files to run the software with minimal user interaction, you can have one automation file launch another automation file for added functionality.
  • Remark Quick Stats:
    • Updated Answer Keys and Survey Definition Files: Answer keys are now more flexible to allow you to reuse them after changes have been made to the corresponding template (e.g. removing or adding questions).
    • More Robust Partial Credit: When grading tests and applying partial credit to a question, you can now include any combination of answer choices and associated point values.
    • Support for Learning Objectives and Standard Answer Keys. You can now use Learning Objectives and Standard Answer keys at the same time when you use multiple test versions.
    • More Question Options for Standard Answer Keys: Standard answer keys now allows a differing number of correct responses between versions for questions in the same position, and allows correct AND/OR per question per version (for questions with more than one correct response).
    • *Export to Excel with Multiple Test Versions: When grading tests with multiple test versions (answer keys) you can now export reports to Excel.
    • *Custom Decimal Points in Excel Export: You can set the number of decimal points to use when exporting reports to Excel in the Remark Quick Stats preferences.
    • *All Reports are Available when Using Batches and Multiple Test Versions: When grading tests with multiple test versions (answer keys) all reports are now available when setting up a report batch.
    • *Automatic Splitting of the Student Grade Report: The Student Grade Report can now be split into individual student files for easy emailing and distribution.
    • *Email Reports to Individual Recipients. You can now email reports to individual students. This feature is particularly useful for emailing student grade reports and other reports that are specific to a respondent.
    • Run Multiple Report Batches at Once: The ability to chain report batches together was added, so that one batch finishes you can set off another one automatically.
    • Student Statistics Report Updates: The popular Student Statistics Report was updated to be more user friendly in the order in which items are displayed. You can also show or hide the objective/subjective score columns (displayed when a subjective question is in use).
    • *Ballot Results Report: A new report was added to streamline the tabulation of ballot style responses. It tabulates and displays the choices in order from highest to lowest selection.


  • Data Center:
    • Error 32811 when Reviewing Regions with Duplicate Values: An error #32811 was fixed when reviewing data that had repeating values as the answer labels.
    • Custom Export: A problem was fixed where the custom export experienced a lag for excessively large files.
    • *Custom Export: A problem was fixed where the custom export was not saving the start line for data output.
  • Remark Quick Stats:
    • Opening Saved Answer Keys/Survey Definitions with Multiple Data Sets: Remark now properly opens saved answer key and survey definition files when multiple data sets are in use.
    • *Non-Tabulated Regions Showing as Tabulated in Advanced Survey: A problem was fixed where non-tabulated regions appeared as though they were being tabulated in Advanced Survey due to a refresh issue.
    • *Selecting Textual Questions as Subjective: A problem was fixed where you were able to select textual questions as Subjective questions in Advanced Grade. You can now change the question to numeric and set it to Subjective, but it cannot be used for Subjective if it is set to the textual data type.
    • *Exporting Numeric/Textual Results with Grades: A problem was fixed where all possible columns of data appeared when exporting grade results to the textual or numeric formats.
    • *Invalid Responses on Detailed Item Analysis Report: A problem was fixed where hand entered invalid responses were not being properly shown on the Detailed Item Analysis Report when exported to Excel.
    • Exporting Reports to Excel with International Characters: The Excel export now supports international characters in the question names.
    • *Student Response Report Incorrect Highlighting: A problem was fixed where the Excel exported version of the Student Response Report incorrectly highlighted multiple responses as green (correct) when they were properly graded as incorrect.

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