Creating an answer key for a multiple-choice test in Remark Test Grading can be accomplished a few different ways. Besides filling in a printed answer key sheet to upload with your completed tests or going straight to the answer key screen within Remark and selecting and saving your responses, you can also create a .CSV file containing the correct answers and import it in the test’s answer key area in Remark. The created .CSV can accommodate single and multiple correct answer multiple choice questions as well as answers for math grid answers.
To create the .CSV file, you need to know the total number of questions on your test and each question’s correct answer(s).
For the example below, we will work with a 10-question test. Questions 1-5 are multiple choice questions with answer options ABCDE. Questions 6-10 are setup as Math grids each with a negative and decimal bubble.
Open Excel.
In column A, enter the correct responses for your questions. If there are two or more correct answers for a question:
For questions where only one of the correct answers is needed for the question to be considered correct, separate the answers with a comma:
For questions where all correct answers must be provided for the question to be considered correct, separate the answer with a plus:
Enter the answers to the math grid questions. Be sure to include decimal points, negative signs and fraction slashes that are needed. For example, if the answer to question six is -6.4 you will enter it in the grid cell as:
The answers entered for our example test will look like this. Notice that questions 1 and 4 have two correct responses.
After answers have been entered for each question, save the file. Make certain to change the ‘save as type’ to CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) file.
When ready to import, go to the appropriate test page in Remark.
On the right side of the Answer Key section, click the three vertical dots and select Import Answer Key.
Browse to and select the .CSV file containing your answer key. Then select OK.
If successfully imported, a green message stating “Your answer key was imported successfully” will appear in the bottom right of the Remark screen. Click the X in the message to close it.
If there is a problem with the import file, a red “Answer Key Mismatch” message will appear advising you to double-check the file and try again.
After the file is successfully imported, look at the on-screen answer key information. Confirm it matches what was setup in the .CSV file
When defined as needed, save select Save Answer Key.
NOTE: When working with a test with multiple test versions, each version’s answer key must be setup in its own .CSV file and imported into its specific version key.
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