Remark Support is often asked which file type – .RMK or .RMX – should be used to save processed Remark data. The answer to that question depends on whether your are grading tests or tabulating surveys. First and foremost, no matter what kind of data you are collecting, these are the only file types that preserve the link between the data and the corresponding images, as well as exception colors. So definitely use one of them as a “working” format while you are collecting and cleaning data. However, the .RMX file also saves additional information pertaining to the changes made to the answers, which are needed if you plan to run any of the Changed Answer reports when grading tests within Remark Quick Stats. The Changed Answer reports tell you how many times answers are crossed out and/or changed in the data grid after the tests are processed. If you have any concerns about cheating, these reports can give you data to help you dig further. You can see changes on both a student and question basis. You can even do comparison reporting on various demographics (e.g. a particular class or grade level).
The bottom line is:
.RMX if you need to run Changed Answer reports when grading tests
.RMK if working with survey data or if working with grading tests but do not need Changed Answer reports
But will it hurt anything if you are tabulating a survey and save to RMX? No, not at all. But hopefully we’ve cleared the air on why we have two formats and when you might use each one.
Want to learn more about Changed Answer reports? Click here.
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