Remark Template Creation Service

Save Time by Having a Remark Expert Create Your Remark Classic OMR Template for You!

Do you have a new Remark Classic OMR form that you need to use with the software quickly? Creating templates for new forms can be somewhat complex and tedious. Let a Remark Expert do the work for you! Our knowledgeable team of Remark professionals creates the Remark Classic OMR template for the form, saving you time and effort.

What you get with Remark template creation services

  • Before we schedule the service, a Remark Expert will talk with you to learn about your specific form including:
    • Details of the form, including the output data requirements
    • What type of equipment you are using
    • Third party tools used in the data collection process
    • Reports you wish to run
    • Anything else specific to your use case
  • When the template is complete you can review the output to make sure it meets your needs. One set of revisions is provided.
  • You can now distribute and start using the form!

Here’s how it works

Once you contact us to request a template creation service we discuss your project with you. We require a copy of the form in digital or paper format, and will then prepare a price quote and a statement of work. We will estimate the time and expense required for the service. Time estimates assume a resource is available to speak with us to answer questions and review work in a timely manner. Note that we require you to send us 10-25 paper forms that we can use to test the template before providing it back to you.

Once the statement of work is signed, payment is due. Work commences when the statement of work is signed by both parties, the payment is received, and your forms arrive at our office.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to order your template creation service. We look forward to helping you get the most out of your Remark product!

Contact a Remark Expert to schedule or for more information

The Remark team of experts is available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST/EDT, Monday through Friday, except company holidays.

Contact a Remark Expert:

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