
Stephanie P’s job is to make sure that her hospital’s Patient Care Services program is efficient and helpful. Additionally, she had to compare her program to other local hospitals’ Patient Care Services programs through a Performance Improvement program. This required data to be collected from patients, and that data would then need to be graded and recorded by hand. However, after Stephanie discovered Remark Office OMR, her job became much simpler.

The Challenge

Stephanie P. provides overall management for the Patient Care Services Performance Improvement program that includes seven Quality Indicators. Patient data is analyzed and benchmarked against other hospitals. Reports are then provided to internal management and outside regulatory agencies.

Before discovering Remark Office OMR, Stephanie’s department created Microsoft Word documents, which were then completed and collected from clinical units. Data was compiled and tallied by hand, and reports were produced using Microsoft Excel®.

The Solution

Stephanie was introduced to Remark by a colleague at work. She saw that the program was easy to use, and that it would dramatically reduce the time it took to manage her projects. After consistently working with Remark, Stephanie has trained several people within her network to use it, and says “I have been able to decrease the amount of time it takes to report nursing quality indicators from two months to two weeks.”

Asked about her largest project to date, Stephanie describes her continuing work with the JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations). “I have to compile a monthly report consisting of 40 units monitoring 23 sets of questions to satisfy a JCAHO performance review standard. Each unit sends me a form for 10 individual charts for which I must scan and produce an item analysis report. My reports are shared with senior management, individual unit directors and the Care Management Department so that they can closely monitor the targeted standards.”

Before using Remark, the chart audits used to take several weeks to complete because she had to tally them by hand. She says “Now I can have a report finished in just one day!”

Stephanie has had the same success with the hospital’s restraint monitoring sheets. “My manager and I are now able to analyze more quality indicators because the software frees up a lot of extra time.”

Asked about her experience with the Remark Products Group’s training, Stephanie says “I just loved the training session that I attended. They taught me about the software, showed us short cuts and also introduced us to people from other industries. This gave me new ideas on how to set up the forms and produce reports.”

Now that she is a “master user,” Stephanie says her favorite features of Remark Office OMR are “the analysis component of the software, ease in creating and changing templates and the ability to export reports to Excel and Adobe.”

She goes on to say “I would and have recommended your software to several departments in my organization. It makes my job so much more easy and efficient.”