Dr. Paul Rendulic is the president of Performetrics of Florida, which is a research and evaluation firm that conducts many survey research projects in the education, non-profit, government and private business sectors. He began using Remark Office OMR in 1997 to replace manual data collection methods. Soon after, he began moving projects to the web with Remark Web Survey. Dr. Rendulic collects all types of information with Remark, from teacher and student data in the K-12 setting to income tax information for insurance companies to market branding information for financial institutions. One particularly interesting project involved a community survey to determine whether to merge the Orlando Philharmonic with the youth symphony. Dr. Rendulic combined Remark Office OMR and Remark Web Survey for this project to reach the greatest number of people (members, patrons, students, funders, etc.).

When asked about the software, he says, “I would be dead in the water if I didn’t have Remark.” While the web is growing in popularity, paper has not gone away, and the ability to combine data from Remark Office OMR and Remark Web survey “without sophisticated data manipulation” has made his life easier. He can now dedicate his time to doing what he was trained to do and explaining the data to his clients, as opposed to spending tons of time collecting the data. Dr. Rendulic’s wide array of uses of the software have made him an invaluable contributor to the Remark products. Thank you, Dr. Rendulic, for always providing Gravic with quality feedback so that we can continually improve our products.